Monday, April 6, 2015

2nd to 6th April

2nd April to 6th April (Tomb Sweeping)
This is an extended long weekend here in Taiwan for some businesses/schools but not everyone.  I’m not sure how or why it is like this but I just know that NKUHT is closed for 5 days.
This is ‘tomb sweeping’ where many families get together and travel back to where their past family members might be buried or laid to rest after passing.  It’s more of a family time than anything but the areas around are still busy with traffic and people regardless.  Also this weekend, which takes place same time every year in Kenting is the Music Festival.  I’ve never been myself but heard it is a weekend of music and fun and caters primarily to the younger crowd.  I know that a few of the Humber students and the NKUHT students went for the weekend. 
I accepted these 5 days with open arms.  It has been a very stressful couple weeks for me and in particular this past week so the quiet time was very much appreciated.  I did nothing except relax, work on some school items, went for coffee with friends and rode the scooter to the Oceanside everyday.  This was a great-extended weekend for me.
I went with Nicholas and Jocelyn to view an open house on a 3 year-old townhouse that’s for sale (only 20 million Taiwan Dollars)…haha  $834,000 CDN.  Actually if this home was in Toronto I’m sure it would sell for well over $1 million CDN.  It has 5 floors with 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a sitting room on 5th floor and open/living area/kitchen on 1st floor.  The ground level is normally where a business would be conducted (or if in Canada, this would probably be the garage).  The home was quite modern and very nice indeed.
On Monday I met up with a couple friends that I first met my first time coming to Taiwan, 2 years ago.  We were teaching each other Mandarin and English between our dialogues.  His sister recently returned from working a year at the Trump Hotel in Toronto.  We went to a local eatery for lunch then after went to Chiyang Coffee CafĂ©.  Caught up on what we’ve been doing during past couple years and planned for meeting up in near future.  His girlfriend is currently working in China and she also had recently spent a year studying Spanish in Argentina as her work company does business with that Country.

Today is coming to a slow close.  Lee and I will ride the scooter to the Oceanside later on (I haven’t gone there today yet) then will stop off at the beef noodle eatery and pick up dinner and bring it back to the apartment.  Perhaps watch a movie then it’s back to normal tomorrow morning. 

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